Friday, February 24, 2012

Bowling Alone

I am not sure how to find like-minded people since a search of blogs did not show an immediate connection, but I am determined to do so.  I just have to find the right key words.

I remember reading a book called "Bowling Alone" about the loss of civic participation in this country so I am not the only one who has noticed it.  That book got a lot of media coverage as I recall. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Theme Parks As Downtowns Inc.

I work in a theme park and, while I do find it a little disconcerting that hospitality is an industry instead of something which we show to our friends, I am wondering if the theme parks don't serve a certain desire for the Main-Street-style community that I am sure I am not alone in longing for.  Has anyone else gotten this sense, or would talking about this with me just give you a headache?

Universal Studios and Sea World etc. don't have the Main Street Disney feel to them, but people still pay dearly to enter them instead of going to a public park.  Public parks were a good idea, but most are too large with too much isolation.  I sure wish that we could have more urban parks that allowed people to be seen by passersby whom were going about their normal business.  I suspect that a majority percentage of all large urban parks go completely unused by a fearful public. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hostess For Hospitality.

I attended an open house for prospective students at the Rosen College of Hospitality last week.  I really enjoyed it and believe that I would enjoy attending the school.  However, I was a little saddened as well.  I find it rather sad that hospitality is an industry instead of something we show our friends.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Do Automobiles Destroy Community?

I have been reading a book by James Kunstler entitled "The Geography of Nowhere," in which he says that cars destroy community.  Even though I have a driver's license and used to have a car, I am inclined to agree.  I notice that people who live in the most pedestrian-friendly communities know each other the best.  I sure would like to know how many people agree with James's view.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Where Is Your "Third Place"?

I hear all of the time about the need for "third places," meaning a place other than one's home or workplace.  If you are reading this I would like to know, what is your third place?  I am doing a survey among all I meet anywhere.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Is Online The New Main Street?

I know that it is pretty common knowledge that people don't have the sense of community that most believe that we once did.  Are we just nostalgic for the way we NEVER were?  Shopping malls have tried to be the community gathering place.  That does create a little problem in that we are then in the position of either shopping or trespassing.  Hmmm....

I think maybe online is the new Main Street considering how many people ignore those around them in a coffee shop or other traditional neighborhood place to play on a computer or other electronic gadget.  Is the Internet the new neighborhood?