Saturday, March 24, 2012

I remember a character in a movie saying that she really felt that co-workers filled the role that family once did.  She had a motive for saying so since she had no family to introduce her fiance to.  Yet we now spend more of our waking hours with our co-workers than we do with our families because we can go for months and years without seeing those who share our genes, even while we and they are alive.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I Wish I Had More Internet Time.

I feel a little strange admitting this since I prefer to deal with people face to face, but I am starting to wish that I had more time to be on the Internet.  It appears that the only way to learn about in-person meetups is on the Internet. 

I do not have Internet at home and have not since giving away a computer before moving from San Francisco to Orlando.  Well, it was an older computer, but one I would have gladly kept had we not been moving across the country.  It was not cost-effective to ship it due to how heavy it was compared to the little things that are the norm today.

I am old enough that a computer took up an entire room when I was a little girl.